Making the Necessary, Possible

Nick Mabey

Nick Mabey has been working for over thirty years to design and shape a world that reconciles human needs and natural limits.

Find more about Nick’s background and work here

Redesigning collective action for sustainability

  • Analysis

    Workable proposals for action need to be built on firm analytical foundations; combining politics, policy and practicality to meet the scale and pace of change needed to stay inside planetary limits.

    Selections from Nick Mabey’s thought leadership on climate politics, foreign policy, economics, sustainability policy & governance.

  • Action

    Ideas are important but driving real change requires coalition-building, animation, communication, institutional reform and above all persistence and a rigorous focus on outcomes.

    Examples of Nick Mabey’s impact in designing, shaping and building transformational solutions for a sustainable world.

  • Strategy

    Decision makers trying to chart a way forward in an increasingly turbulent world need new ways of conceptualising, communicating & analysing the paths and barriers to reaching their goals.

    Showcasing Nick Mabey’s work on redesigning decision making tools and processes for a sustainable future.

Contact Nick Mabey here